Someone's In The Kitchen With Moozie

Sunday, July 30, 2006

It's1AM. Do you know where your cookies are?

Raw Chrusciki

Into the hot oil bath...

Out to drain...

All dressed up with powdered sugar.

I cannot BELIEVE we're still cooking at 1AM!


  • I love those and kolacky and pierogies. In fact any Polish food involving dough is the yummy.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:29 AM  

  • She keeps going and going and going . .in the pictures of your kitchen after all the real-time cooking, it looked a bit like something was mid-fall. I was a bit relieved to figure out it was plastic wrap!

    ... I hope.

    Keep up the good work, you're doing awesome.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:29 AM  

  • Woot! You rock. ^^ Pie, cake, AND cookies...

    Anyhow, unfortunately I'm off to bed soon myself, so I'll have to catch up tomorrow. *pout* (Just getting my sleep schedule somewhat under control finally, so don't want to get it screwy now...)

    Good luck, happy cookin'! Catch ya on the flip side.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:41 AM  

  • Catching up now.

    Those look so very sugary and crunchy... Is it anything like a variant of doughnut holes?

    This is Z, by the way. I'm using the Blogger account of my Turkish blog to comment.

    By Blogger Zeynep, at 10:36 AM  

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